Interior Drainage 101: Cleaning and Maintenance for Homeowners
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When it comes to flood protection in Grand Junction, CO, no basement waterproofing system plays a more critical role than the internal drainage. You can argue that the sump pump ejects water, but it’s the drains like the BasementGutter™ system that directs water to the sump pit. From there, it’s ejected outside.
Not only does the interior drainage redirect water, but it also stops it from building hydrostatic pressure and flooding the basement. If it gets clogged by debris, silt, and dirt, you could possibly have a flood or even a basement wall failure. Both situations would be more costly to remedy than your drainage system.
How Do I Know If My Interior Drainage is Defective?
Most of the problems that crop up when the drainage system blocks or gets damaged manifest physically. Be ready to perform a drain tile test as it will help determine whether a tile replacement is due, and if so, how many of the tiles need to be replaced.
When checking your drainage, look out for those signs:

- Cracks on the basement wall
- Curved or slumped floor
- Leakage/seepage on the basement floor
- Damp wall blocks near the floor
- Higher humidity levels
- Block stains near the floor
- Iron ochre or mineral deposits in sump crock
- Wetness around floor cracks
Some of the things that may contribute to interior drain blockage include a clogged discharged line, sediment buildup in the drain, and soil settlement that reduces the efficiency of your drainage. All three scenarios may require further investigation. Contact your local basement contractor and plumber to learn the way forward.
Cleaning the Interior Drainage System
You ought to clean the interior drainage of your Grand Junction, CO, home at least once a year. Doing so ensures they continue channeling water away from your home’s foundation.
The simplest way to clean an interior drainage system is by snaking it mechanically. This is a fairly straightforward exercise that involves removing the drain’s cover or one of the inspection ports, turning the snake on and inserting it into the drain, turning it until it hits a clog or other obstruction, and then retracting the device and spraying the drainage with clean water to eject any dislodged obstacles.
That being said, it’s always best to leave the technical maintenance to professionals. You can take advantage of your local basement waterproofing experts’ annual service and maintenance programs by scheduling an appointment with one of their service technicians. The tech will thoroughly check over the waterproofing solutions the company installed, including the BasementGutter™ interior drainage system and sump pump.
Ways to Avoid Basement Drain Clogging
Interior drains are available in various designs, shapes and sizes. A minor change in their makeup can
impact their effectiveness and ability to resist clogging. Here’s how you make your system more effective.
- Avoid using generic systems — Drains have evolved over time, and they seem to be getting better. New models are easy to install and clog less often. Plus, they are not as invasive as traditional designs. The BasementGutter™ system has all these attributes, and it is specially designed not to clog.
- Safeguard against freezing — The exterior discharge line of your sump pump is the weakest link waterproofing a basement especially during cold winter months. When temperatures dip below zero, the discharge line can freeze and clog. This occurrence will force the sump pump to work twice as hard to pump out water, or water could flow back into the basement. Installing a perforated opening like the FreezeGuard™ attachment at the base of your discharge lines allows water to get out of your home.
- Avoid gaps on the slab floor — Classic basement drains are set up by jackhammering the basement floor around the perimeter and laying down a round PVC before the floor is restored with new concrete and covered with a board. Unfortunately, the 2×4 creates an opening along the basement floor. You won’t have to worry about this issue if you have the BasementGutter™ system installed, however.
Cleaning your interior drainage can be an exciting DIY project if you have the know-how to operate it. If you don’t have the tools or just don’t want to muck around the drainage, leave it to a professional. Your local basement contractor will clean up the place, remove any obstruction, and repair damaged tiles.
Are you worried about the condition of your interior drainage? Not sure whether it’s functional or clogged? Contact your local contractor to schedule a free inspection. You’ll get a free quote plus recommendations to resolve any existing issues.
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2575 U.S. 6 & 50, Unit A
Grand Junction, CO 81501