The Ultimate Guide to Concrete Leveling

We see concrete everywhere in our modern world. You probably saw some today—driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, and even buildings. It’s safe to say, we depend on concrete for many things.
But when concrete becomes damaged, it puts our safety at risk. Concrete leveling makes concrete safer and prevents damage; let’s explore why so you can determine if concrete leveling is the right choice for your needs.
Introduction to Concrete Leveling
If you haven’t heard of concrete leveling, it’s understandable. Generally, this isn’t a service people know about until their concrete needs to be repaired.
If that sounds like you, we’ve got you covered. Let’s look at the basics of concrete leveling so you understand how it works.
What is Concrete Leveling?
Concrete leveling refers to a repair process that lifts concrete back to a safe position. This restores the concrete’s safety, functionality, and appearance all at once.
Within the world of home repair, concrete leveling goes by a few names. You might see the following names used in place of concrete leveling (but they all refer to the same thing):
Other Names for Concrete Leveling
Depending on who you work with, you might also hear concrete leveling go by one of these more technically specific names:
- PolyRenewal™ (our method), commonly known as “Polylifting,” “Polyjacking,” or “Polyurethane Foam Leveling.”
- “Mudjacking”
- “Stone Grout Slurry Leveling” or “Cement Slurry Leveling”
- “Self-Leveling Concrete”
We’ll talk more about all of these in the next section but just keep in mind, they are all different processes used to achieve a similar outcome—level concrete.
Understanding How Concrete Leveling Works
Concrete leveling is used with one goal in mind: to lift a concrete surface as close to its original position as possible. In doing so, it makes the concrete structure safer to use.
There are four main methods used to achieve this goal:
- Polyurethane foam
- Stone slurry grout
- Mudjacking
- Self-leveling concrete
The method used to fix concrete on your property depends on several factors including your specific needs, the extent of the damage, and your desired outcome.
Determining whether or not you need concrete leveling is best done with help from a professional. They can provide an in-depth inspection to determine the best way to repair your concrete.
Generally, if concrete is uneven, cracked, or sinking, concrete leveling is a good idea. Even if your concrete is in good shape, concrete leveling can be used as a preventative measure to prevent damage from occurring in the first place.
The cost of concrete leveling varies based on factors like total area of the damage, severity of the damage, chosen repair method, and the extent of repair. Make sure to get quotes from a reputable company for an accurate estimate of total cost.
One thing is for certain—concrete leveling is a more cost-effective solution compared to complete concrete replacement. Consider the pros and cons, your needs, and consult professionals to make the right choice.
Ranking the 4 Most Popular Methods of Concrete Leveling
There are some differences between the four most common concrete leveling methods. Certain methods provide a longer lasting fix than others. Based on our experience, here are concrete leveling methods ranked from best to worst:
1. Polyurethane Foam Injection

Polyurethane foam injection is the most modern approach to concrete leveling. It’s extremely popular because it can be installed quickly while providing lasting results.
First, penny-sized holes are drilled into the damaged concrete. Using specialized pumps, polyurethane foam is injected through the holes and fills gaps under the concrete.
Once situated under the concrete, the foam expands and fills voids between the soil and the slab. As the foam expands, it compresses the soil (making it stronger) and pushes concrete back to a safe level.
The foam itself cures within 30 minutes and provides incredible strength to the concrete. Polyurethane foam causes minimal disruption to your concrete and provides a longer lasting result compared to other concrete leveling methods.
2. Mudjacking

Mudjacking gets its name from the slurry mixture (usually created with materials like cement, sand, and clay) it is made from. This slurry solution is pumped beneath concrete to lift and level the structure.
As the mixture cures, it creates a solid, stable base that fills in gaps below the concrete and pushes it upwards. However, mudjacking rarely lasts—and it’s a risk to keep in mind.
Due to the materials used in its slurry mixture, mudjacking is susceptible to erosion after rain or snowmelt. As a result, concrete often falls back into a state of damage just a few years (at most) after mudjacking is installed.
Most importantly, many people believe mudjacking can be a “do-it-yourself” project. Believe us when we say that a DIY job of this size is not easy.
Trying to fix concrete on one’s own creates an unsafe repair process that might even make the problem worse. In short, mudjacking may work for a short time, but it doesn’t last, and it may even cause more damage later on.
3. Cement or Stone Slurry Concrete Leveling
Stone slurry grout concrete leveling combines mudjacking and polyurethane foam injection techniques, using a mix of crushed stones (mainly limestone) and water. This mixture is installed using equipment similar to polyurethane injection tools.
It requires drilling large holes (about 1”) for application, offering better control over the material’s thickness and adding significant weight to the soil. Unlike mudjacking, this method effectively fills voids, is environmentally friendly, and durable, though it tends to be a costly option.
4. Self-Leveling Concrete
Self-leveling concrete, a polymer-fortified cement, is popular because it is a user-friendly option. It offers a quick-drying, low-water solution for DIY interior floor patching and resurfacing. It’s ideal for small-scale repairs and home improvements, providing a smooth finish without needing structural reinforcement.
Although more expensive than traditional concrete, its compatibility with various materials makes it accessible for homeowners aiming to refresh floors affordably. However, keep in mind that DIY projects with self-leveling concrete always run the risk of leading even more to costly and unsafe outcomes.
How to Know if You Need Concrete Leveling
Do you have any of the following concrete features?:
- A garage on a concrete slab?
- Concrete stairs?
- A concrete pool deck?
- A concrete front porch?
- A concrete back patio?
- A standalone concrete slab?
- An AC unit on concrete?
If so, does the concrete show any of the following signs of damage?:
- Cracking?
- Unevenness?
- Sinking?
- Pitting, flaking, or staining?
If you answered “yes” to something in each of these lists, you likely need concrete lifting.
When to Level Concrete

Knowing when to level concrete isn’t usually too difficult. All you need to do is inspect the concrete structures on your property.
Is there a crack in your driveway? Is your concrete porch sinking? If you notice damage like this, then concrete leveling is right for you.
Remember, concrete damage can show up anywhere; you might also see cracks on the floor of your basement or a concrete pool deck.
Having cracked and uneven concrete hurts the aesthetics of your home and it’s dangerous. Someone could trip over uneven sections, especially children and those who have trouble walking.
Who to Call When You Need Concrete Leveling

Concrete leveling is a complex process that requires special tools and training. That means it’s best left to experienced professionals.
Foundation Repair of Western Colorado has been leveling concrete since 2005. Homeowners living in Western Colorado trust us for reliable, long-lasting repairs and attentive customer service.
During our free inspections, we complete a thorough evaluation of your property and pinpoint the causes behind your concrete problems. This enables us to determine exactly what your home needs and then implement the best repairs possible.
When Not to Level Your Concrete
Sometimes, concrete leveling isn’t the best repair option. There are two situations when concrete leveling isn’t simply won’t work: little to no concrete damage or severe concrete damage.
Sometimes, small cracks develop in concrete as a part of the curing process. They may never grow or change in size, appearance, or depth, but they’ll always be there. Just make sure to keep an eye on them, and if they grow in size, call someone to inspect your concrete.
On the other hand, concrete that sustains severe damage (maybe from a natural disaster or uncontrollable event) likely can’t be saved by concrete leveling methods. If sections of the concrete are completely broken or crumbling, complete concrete replacement is the best course of action.
Who to Call When You Don’t Need Leveling
It’s best to work with a company that can repour concrete if the concrete on your property has extreme damage. If you’re unsure whether or not concrete leveling is the best solution, reach out to Foundation Repair of Western Colorado for a free inspection. We can evaluate the damage and recommend if the next steps should be repouring or resurfacing.
The Cost of Concrete Leveling
Concrete leveling is a complex process, so there isn’t one simple answer to how much it will cost. There are many variables affecting the total cost, including:
- Extent of the damage
- Size of the area requiring repair
- Appropriate repair method
- Amount of product required
- Labor, materials, permits
The best way to get an accurate price for your concrete leveling project is to contact your local concrete experts for a free inspection and no-obligation repair estimate.
Concrete Leveling vs Replacement: Cost Comparison
Catching and fixing concrete damage early on is key to avoiding severe (and more expensive) damage down the line. Concrete leveling techniques—particularly PolyRenewal™—provide a more cost-effective solution than complete concrete replacement.
When concrete is damaged, it might seem like the only option is to tear it out and pour new concrete. This process takes a lot of time because the new concrete needs days to dry and harden.
Just keep in mind, replacing concrete is pricier than leveling. Tearing out and replacing concrete can cost somewhere between $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the damage. It’s always worth considering if concrete leveling will work for your situation.
Average Price to Level a Driveway

Driveways can sustain a lot of wear and tear because of continued vehicle traffic, and damage to these areas can be the most noticeable. Driveway and garage floor leveling can often range anywhere between $800 and $4,000.
Average Price to Level a Patio

Patios are smaller areas that guide foot traffic but don’t experience the weight of vehicles like driveways and garage floors do. Still, the price tag for repairs is relatively similar, sometimes ranging from $800 to more than $3,000.
Average Price to Level a Walkway

Due to the nature of sidewalks and walkways, they experience more foot traffic than patios and porches. For that reason, it’s important to fix them if they become damaged. The price range to level these areas is usually around $500 to over $2,000.
How to Save Money on Your Concrete
- Keep an eye on concrete with regular inspections.
- Don’t invest in invasive repairs like mudjacking.
- Avoid DIY repair methods.
- Contact and reputable repair expert as soon as you notice damage.
- Invest in lasting repairs like PolyRenewal™ polyurethane foam injection.
- Take advantage of annual maintenance programs.
Pros and Cons of Concrete Leveling with Polyurethane Foam
PolyRenewal™ is our go-to solution for concrete leveling. Our nearly 20 years of experience has proven to us that this modern technique is the most dependable way to level concrete.
It can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, making it an incredibly versatile tool. We want to show you what we’ve learned about the product over the years:

Pros of Polylifting
- Reduced cost
- Quicker installation time
- Convenience
- Consistency
- No mess
- Eco-friendly
- May not lead to 100% level concrete
- Surface cracks may still be visible
- Can be affected by variable soil conditions
Concrete Leveling FAQs
Although the duration depends on the repair area size and damage level, concrete step repair using PolyRenewal™ polyurethane injections is generally completed within a day. Once injected, the foam takes about 15 minutes to harden, in contrast to the several days required for mudjacking or repouring to restore full functionality. Schedule a free inspection with us for a detailed quote and timeline.
Yes, investing in the right concrete leveling method for your situation is worth it. Rather than wasting money on temporary solutions that don’t actually solve concrete problems, you can ensure your concrete’s safety and enhance your home’s value with professional assistance. Foundation Repair of Western Colorado is your trusted local concrete lifting expert. Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate.
Our PolyRenewal™ solution is truly the best concrete lifting solution available. All our experts need to do is inject this foam into your concrete and it will quickly lift and level out the slabs in no time. It will fill in any voids left by soil erosion and compact the soil at the same time. It’s also waterproof and eco-friendly, which means you do not have to worry about it ruining your yard!
Contact Foundation Repair of Western Colorado for Concrete Lifting and Leveling Today!

We use concrete structures almost every day. From driveways to sidewalks, we depend on safe and level concrete to get us where we need to go. Prevent concrete damage from ruining your property or causing injury with help from our team.
Foundation Repair of Western Colorado has nearly 20 years of experience repairing concrete in Colorado with our industry leading PolyRenewal™ injections. Contact us today to schedule a free inspection!
Related Resources
Disclaimer: “Concrete leveling” means the process by which cracked, uneven concrete is stabilized, and in most cases lifted, by means of PolyRenewal™ polyurethane foam. Foundation Repair of Western Colorado does not guarantee that PolyRenewal™ can make any and/or every square inch of your concrete perfectly level.
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